*Swix graphics are gradually updating and may vary slightly from the images shown. All products remain fluoro-free and current, though Swix has discontinued using the fluoro-free icon on some of their new labels.
Description & Features
Swix PRO Top Speed Powders (TSP) are great race powder overlays for competition that work well in fresh, old or man-made snow. TSP can be used as a race powder alone or as a base for topcoats. Note: It is important to have a good hot waxing iron to get an efficient melting of the powder.
This wax line is part of Swix's fluoro-free racing glide wax system and is based on new raw materials conforming to a global sustainability strategy. Environmentally friendly and fit for racing and performance-oriented training. They follow the traditional color and number logic for wax selection.
TSP05 Tourquoise -10°C to -18°C (14°F to 0°F).
TPS05 is the hardest powder in the TSP line and a great choice in cold conditions. Ski Techs love it due to its excellent durability and dry friction properties. It is vital to have a good quality waxing iron to melt the powder efficiently. For fresh, old or artificial snow when the temperatures drop low and dry.
TSP06 BLUE -5°C to -12°C (23°F to 14°F).
TSP6 is a very good powder for both alpine and cross country, which has shown great performance on artificial snow in addition to natural snow.
TSP07 VIOLET -2°C to -7°C (28°F to 19°F)
TSP7 is a versatile powder suited for normal winter conditions below the freezing point. This powder is convenient to work with and easy to get a good result. For fresh, old or man-made snow. Good in clean snow.
TS08P RED -4°C to 4°C (25°F to 39°F).
TSP8 has a softness and racing formula that makes it perfect in conditions on both sides of the freezing point.
TSP10 YELLOW 0°C to 10°C (10°F to 50°F).
TSP10 is an outstanding powder in wet conditions, typically when new or transformed snow turns wet. Despite being a fairly soft powder, the durability is exceptional, and the powder can easily hold up for longer distances.