Here at the homestead of Fat and the Moon, we like to think of ourselves as minimal maximalists. If we make something, grow something, buy something we want it to serve at its maximum potential! Stack those functions!
The Lip & Cheek stain embodies this very idea. I’ve finally achieved the color I’d been searching for, a not too pink, a little red wine-y a little black berry-y stain, free of heavy metal based color. Alkanet and beet root give this stain its rich color and its mild and earthy scent, with just a touch of essential oil of rose geranium. Rose geranium is used in aromatherapy to reduce nervousness and tension, and has mild antibacterial, astringent and anti-inflammatory properties which all aid in the overall health of the skin. A little dab of this stuff on the apples of your cheeks and on your lips adds just the right dose of color. Because of the beeswax, this stain has great staying power. Put a little on for a subtle effect or more for a lipstick like look.
Heads up: Some find the smell of the alkanet root too earthy for their tastes- alkanet has a flave akin to valerian root.